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Re: My car was violated...

Subject: Re: My car was violated...
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 92 10:37:49 pdt
> Date: Fri, 2 Oct 92 13:16:25 EDT
> From: (Scotty Paisley)
> To:
> Subject: My car was violated...
> you forget that there isn't a knob there.  (ouch!)  Anyway, the other
> thing that REALLY bugs me, is that the gas cap was open when I found
> the car.  I'm very concerned as to what (if anything) may have been
> added to the fuel.  I felt sort of confident that no sugar was

How was the fuel level.  Could be that somewone just wanted a little
gas.  If they were on a motor bike they wouldn't necessarily have 
taken more than a couple of gallons.

> Cheer(io)s,

Never cared for them myself.

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