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Interesting old cars at shows

To: ""
Subject: Interesting old cars at shows
From: (Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626)
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 92 13:24:23 -0500
I didn't report on the St. Louis All-British Car Show held at the
national museum of transport a couple of weeks ago. There was one of
those funny 3-wheeled Morgans, plus a lot of nice high-dollar cars. Kind
of short on TRs, though. Only 2 TR4s and one TR250 was entered. I actually
saw nicer TR4s in the parking lot. Don't know why they didn't decide to
enter. There were NO TR2s and NO GT6s of any flavor. Only a few Spits,
but several TR3s and TR6s. Some nice TR7s, no TR8s.

Two cars caught my fancy. The first was an unrestored, very rough, Berkeley B.
It looked like a miniature Cobra. Very attractive lines. Very strange car.
I don't know anything about them. It was back where the used parts were,
so I kind of assumed it was for sale. I got out of there before I did
something foolish. It was RHD, of course.

The second of a Standard Vanguard. Really a nifty old car. I didn't get
the year, but it ran and was all original, from what I could see. It was
RHD, too. What was really neat was the emblem that we know as the Triumph
emblem on the hub caps, except it said Standard on them. Really interesting
to see the predecessor to the Triumphs. The owner said that some TR2 and
TR3 parts were interchangeable.

It was hot that day, and I had my 8-year-old son, so we didn't stay too
long. I thought that there were fewer cars this year, definitely so in the
Triumph divisions. Lotsa MGBs, and a few MGCs, too.

That's about it...


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