Karivelithara Korah Kuru scribed:
Subject: test (fwd)grease cap
> Could someone please tell me how to remove the grease cap on my MGB.
> The cap is within the hub assembly(I've got wire wheels) and has a threaded
> end on it.
It's pretty easy to make a tool for such jobs. Just get a bolt or nut of the
proper size and thread pitch, and either screw on a longer shaft, or better
yet, just tack weld on a shaft/handle to pull off with. (a *very cheap*
job to pay someone for, if you can't weld/braze/solder them together
/___ _ \ Roger Garnett (Roger_Garnett@cornell.edu)
/| || \ \ Agricultural Economics | "The South Lansing Centre
| |___|| _ | 3 Warren Hall | For Wayward Sports Cars"
| | \ | | | Cornell University | (Lansing, NY)
\| \ |__/ / Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7801 | (607) 533-7735
\________/ (607) 255-2522 | Safety Fast!