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Re: driving on the wrong side of the road (right :-)

Subject: Re: driving on the wrong side of the road (right :-)
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1992 16:21:16 +0100
From:   NAME: Mike Jeffreys         [DAT31 ]
        FUNC: DAT31                           
        TEL: 0473-645609                      <JEFFREYS M J AT WEB AT WEBCS>
To:     NAME: frans <>,

Frans says:-
Lots of stuff about driving on the left etc.

What you are saying here is that driving on the left is natural for right 
handed people. Note that Japan also drives on the left.

>For some reasion England must not have been that well liked in the
>beginning of this century, becouse the rest of the world started to drive
>in the other side of the road. Proberly just to be different. 

I have also heard that Europe was forced to drive/walk/ride on the right 
through the edicts of Napolean (a dreaded French person), and seeing as we 
(the Brits) defeated the blighter, we don't have to follow his rule (and 
probably never will!).

I believe Napolean thought that driving/riding on the right will reduce the
aggression of his 'new' subjects. Is this actually born out in real life
(it is safer on the UK roads than most other places). Is it better to vent
one's anger with forceful right handed gestures out of the window, or with
slightly naff left handed ones. Is this why the car horn is not used as 
much in the UK as it is in the rest of Europe - or wot. Is this total bull? 
Please advise if this Napolean connection is wrong.

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