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Palo Alto Trip Report, or I owned an MG

Subject: Palo Alto Trip Report, or I owned an MG
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 92 06:24:53 PDT
          I can sum up the All British Day at Palo Alto like
     this: We came, we saw, we sweated. Oh, and I bought an
     MG. Oh, and I sold an MG.
          Let me 'splain; When I woke up Saturday morning I
     knew I had a lot of brit-car work to do, I just had no
     idea that it'd be on a car that I didn't even own at
     that point. Hey, but it was only 10am. 
               Saturday, the Day I bought an MG-
          Up at 10, and I shot over to Orchard Supply to
     pick up some hardware. The mistake I made was taking
     the back way home, and I saw it. Out of the corner of
     my eye, sitting forlorn in a front yard, was a dusty
     MGB, with a giant "FOR SALE, NEEDS CLUTCH" sign at it's
     side. Throwing all rational thoughts aside, I stopped.
     And bought it. I didn't know *what* I was going to do
     with it, but I knew I'd do something with it. 
          It was a '67 model, kinda leaf green, black
     interior, wire wheels and two spares, side draught 45
     DCOE, and had been in storage since 1986. Pressing on
     the clutch did absolutely nothing, but it ran well. So
     I paid the man, and drove the 100 feet down the street
     to my house to figure out what to do with it.
          Calling all the people who had always told me "If
     you ever run across ...." came up nada, so I began
     figuring out how I could get it to P.A. & put it up for
     sale there. I easily managed to secure a truck, but the
     trailer took a bit of doing. Between cleaning up Redcar
     and determining that there was no way Essex that Riley
     water pump would pump today, I finally managed to get
     in touch with Scott Fisher's wife who had talked to
     Scott, and yes, I could borrow his trailer.
     Ironically enough, Scott was with *my* trailer when he
     responded, but that's another story. Unfortunately
     truck, trailer and me are at the extreme opposite
     corners of Santa Clara County, so by the time I had
     this motly tow setup at the B, it was 8pm, and I was
     beat. Nevertheless I managed to load it all up & take
     it to the car wash to get it presentable. Problem. 
          For those of you who've ever seen Scott's trailer, 
     you know what I'm speaking of, but for the uninformed few, 
     let's say it looks much like someone's welder art project.
     And it sits *low*. Coupled with the truck sitting high,
     and the city of Milpitas cutting wide trenches through
     my street for no apparent reason, the back of the
     trailer scraped so badly that it tore my tie down
     straps in half. So after washing, (and probably waking
     up half the town dragging the tail of the trailer at
     1am, I flipped the hitch 180 degrees in an attempt to
     get it to sit more level. It worked some.
                    Sunday, the day I sold an MG.
          Up & at 'em early, me and the B, my friend Cinch,
     Mike ("the hired gun") in Redcar, met Roland, TeriAnn, 
     Jeff Weintraub, Mike G. and his wife Sandy, for b'fast.
          Afterwards we caravanned up to P.A. along with a
     gaggle of Loti, Minis, etc. We were greeted with an
     enormous line of cars waiting to get in, and since I
     had a trailer I was told to wait across the street till
     it cleared out. They let me back at 11am, and people
     swarmed the B. All were lookers, excepting one old gent
     who offered me $500. I politely declined. Tired of the
     hard sell we meandered about, and expecting that
     others will recap the event itself, I won't say much.
          Except about the big-block TR6. 396, auto,
     narrowed rearend, wheel tubs, & slicks. $3500. It's
     what I need to get to work. Say no more.
          About 2pm I got my first bite on the B. We
     negotiated and agreed on a price, and the car was his.
     Except he had no way to get it some 85 miles home. "No
     problem, he said, take it off the trailer & I'll drive
     it." I balked, didn't have a better idea, so we rolled
     it off. He checked it all over, started it up in gear 
     and away he went with a big smile. I received no phone 
     calls that night so I assume he made it. 
          At that point Dick Nyquist offered me a very much
     appreciated ale, and I began to relax & browse the cars.           
          Sorry so long for this, but I hope you found it
     entertaining. Never a dull moment, you know. And a
     "thankyouthankyouthankyou" to Scott & Kim Fisher for
     the trailer, Jeff Weintraub for the truck, and all the
     folks that brought me ale while I was sweating over my
     B for a day. And no, I won't tell you how much it was. 

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