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RE: Oops. and a TR4 Tranny question

To: british-cars@hoosier, passaretti@crd.GE.COM
Subject: RE: Oops. and a TR4 Tranny question
From: "Daren Stone, D2 IE, 5-9521, bpr:237-2322, RN2-C6" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 92 12:05:34 PST
     RE to: TR4 trans w/ welded-in clutch fork

     Assuming that this fork is still movable, ie. that it
     really isn't welded in *place* (and if it was I'd
     question the rebuilding skills of the folks you
     entrusted this task to), I would say that aside from
     wondering why it was welded in instead of whatever the
     TR4-normal method is , you'd probably be okay to leave
     it as is for now (Also assuming that they put new
     bushings in the fork pivot before welding it in place).
     Be reminded tho' that to me this is a sign that
     Something's Wrong Here, and eventually you'll have to
     set it right. Now or later is up to you.


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