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Re: Senate Bills

To: uunet.UU.NET!medtron!pwcs.StPaul.GOV!phile
Subject: Re: Senate Bills
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 92 11:20:05 pst
> Subject: Senate Bills
> To:
> Date: Fri, 13 Mar 92 12:52:19 CST
> On those Senate bills:  I have gotten a summary of the bill S.1220
> It has a lot of range, from Outer Continental Shelf to coal technology.
> The only thing that interests us is included in Title III:  
> " assistance to State programs encouraging voluntary 
> removal from the marketplace of pre-1980 model-year automobiles."

Financial assistance from the ever bountiful general revenue funds,
no doubt.

> Login name: phile                             In real life: Philip J Ethier


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