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SOL Patch prices

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: SOL Patch prices
From: Dustin Kassman <mit-eddie!!dhk@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 90 07:56:10 PDT
Haven't heard much on the SOL identifier recently so I thought that I
would throw out what I found.  These prices may or may not be the best,
but they should give us an idea of costs.  How about if we discuss this
for two weeks and if we have enough interest, and nobody has found better
prices, I can start putting an order together.

                                Dustin Kassman

PS. I have more details on the garment themselves (material, construction,
    etc), but thought I would save it until we need those details.


    Up to 6 color design embroidered on         24-95           96-144
    -----------------------------------         ----------------------
1.  regular size patch                          $5/ea           $4/ea
2.  large patch (garment back)                  15.00           13.00

3.  hat (mesh or solid back)                     9.99            8.99

4.  tee shirt (front)*                          12.49           10.99
5.            (back)                            22.49           19.99
6.  long-sleeve (front)*                        14.99           13.49
7.              (back)                          24.99           22.49
8.  sweatshirt (front)                          17.99           16.99
9.             (back)                           27.99           25.99

10. windbreaker (front)                         21.99           20.99   
11.             (back)                          31.99           29.99
12. flannel-lined (front)                       27.99           26.99   
13.               (back)                        37.99           35.99

    Single-color design silk-screened on        24-47           48-95
    ------------------------------------        ----------------------
14. hat (mesh or solid back)                    $4.99/ea        $4.49/ea

15. tee shirt (front or back)                    7.49            6.99
16. long-sleeve (front or back)                  9.99            9.49

17. sweatshirt (front or back)                  15.99           15.99

18. windbreaker (front or back)                 19.99           19.99   
19. flannel-lined (front or back)               25.99           25.99   

 - one-time art charge: $95.00 (embroidery), $75.00 (screen printing)
 - shipping ranges from $4.50 to $11.00
 - front design can be centered or over pocket
 - back design is larger and centered 
 - multi-colored screen printing is available
 * silk-screened back is free for tee shirts with embroidery on front

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