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Re: brit car logos in ASCII

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: brit car logos in ASCII
From: mit-eddie!!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 90 11:51:25 CDT

->Which reminds me, I've seen some pretty good ASCII version of famous
->brit car logos.  Anyone have any new ones to dazzle us with?  Here's my
->wimpy attempt at the one for AC (not the same logo as the one mentioned

        Well, I don't hve any in ascii, but I do have the TR logo
in a Sun icon format.  I use it (replicated over and over) for my background
and for my faces icon. Anyone who wants a copy, lemme know. I can probably
convert it to X bitmap format pretty easily for those without Sun's.


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