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brit car logos in ASCII

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: brit car logos in ASCII
From: Roland Dudley <mit-eddie!!cobra@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 90 10:54:26 pdt
From: Jeff Bailey

>I'm posting on a HP9000s350 with 16MB, two 19" color monitors, ~350MB
>disk space, etc, etc. This $70K+ machine unfortunately belongs to the
>university though :-(

What a coincidence, though my machine belongs to HP of course.  A nice
extra touch is that my windows background display is an array of
facsimile AC Cobra badges.  For those of you who simply must have your
own copy of this image, the format of the file is bitmap (ASCII).  Of
course special software is required to display it.

Which reminds me, I've seen some pretty good ASCII version of famous
brit car logos.  Anyone have any new ones to dazzle us with?  Here's my
wimpy attempt at the one for AC (not the same logo as the one mentioned

                                .  --  .        
                             '   **  **  `     
                           '   ***  ** **  `  
                          '   ** * **       `
                         '    *  * **        `                 
                         |   ***** **        |                
                         |   *****  **    *  |               
                             **  **  ***  **                
                          `  ***  ***  **** '              
                           `  ****  ****   '              
                             `  . __ .  '               

Roland Dudley

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