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Larry and Andys Birthdays Party

Subject: Larry and Andys Birthdays Party
From: mit-eddie!ucscc.UCSC.EDU!red4est!lrc@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Super user)
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:06:55 1990
Sept 8th
  12:00 noon, leave Larrys House for a Sports Car / Motorcycle run
up to Boomers Castle in Bonny Doon.   Picnic lunch, swimming and 
general fun during the afternoon.  Bring candles for the catacombs.

  9:ish  BYOB at Larrys House.

Sunday Sept 9
  8:30 AM leave Larrys House for the All British Day on the Green
at El Camino Park in Palo Alto.  9 to 35 to Page Mill.
  Noonish  Meet at Foocar for a picnic Lunch

Where is Larrys House (AKA Transverse City)?
  5538 Lincoln Way, Felton
How do you get there?
  Head south from Felton on Highway 9, Just South of Henry Cowell
state park, turn right on San Lorenzo.  The Second right is Lincoln.
Look for Larrys Crashed Cortina Emporium.
  Larrys Phone: 408-335-7505
  Andys Phone:  408-448-2524

Bring Fizzbeer!!!!!!!

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