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Winter storage, et cetera

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Winter storage, et cetera
From: Roland Dudley <mit-eddie!!cobra@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 90 11:52:41 pdt
Well, fall will be here soon and that's a great time to tool around in
your LBC but many of you will be wanting to put your precious away for
the winter when the first snows start to fall and the roads get their
first coating of that dreaded salt.  A couple of years ago the Shelby
American magazine published a pretty good article on the subject of auto
storage in response to a letter from a club member.  The article
includes recommended steps to be taken prior to and during long term
storage as well as some suggestions for short term storage.  BTW, by
their definition, winter storage is considered long term.

This is copyrighted material so I'm reluctant to post it even to the
limited distribution of the b-car list but I'd be happy to e-mail a
transcribed copy to any interested individuals.  I also have a
transcribed article on how to refinish a wooden steering wheels if
anyone is interested.  It might be applicable to a wood dashboard if
you're thinking about redoing yours.

I'm also in the process of developing a wire wheel refinishing procedure
too but at this point it's only a collection of information form
articles and manuals I've read, none of which I've verified through
personal experience.  There doesn't seem to be a lot available on this
subject for some reason.  I know many of you don't consider redoing
your own wheels worth while but after calculating that the minimum cost
of having mine done professionally would be about 60% of the price of a
new set, I thought I would at least look into it.

Roland Dudley

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