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Re: Oct 9 SOL pizza get-together...Spaghetti Factory, good idea

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: Oct 9 SOL pizza get-together...Spaghetti Factory, good idea
From: mit-eddie!!ssi!ssiwest!young@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Indi)
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 90 13:40:18 PDT
>How about Tue 7pm-??? at the Spaghetti Factory, downtown SJ?
>I've been the Spaghetti Factory several times,
>decent food and service, but noisy and crowded during conventions.
>My knowledge of street names in downtown is a little fuzzy, I recall 
>the Spaghetti Factory is just off Santa Clara Blvd. on some side
>street.  It's not quite walking distance from the hotels, but I belive
>the Light Rail/trolley runs nearby. Also there is a City parking garage
>just across the street for those who drive! 
>It might be a good idea for someone in the Bay Area to make 
>reservations a few days in advance

        Okay, how 'bout it?  Send me your name, how many other
        people you might bring with you (Significant Others for locals,
        lonely fellow convention-attendees for the rest), and what kind
        of car you have (just for my curiosity).  I will set up a
        reservation at the Spaghetti Factory at 7:30pm Tues, Oct 9th.
        (Unless of course, everyone but me and Brett wants to avoid
        the Spaghetti Factory... ;-)

        We'll meet in front of the restaurant at 7pm, maybe do a quick tour
        of the parking garage to see people's cars (if they manage
        to park sorta close to each other), then go in for food and/or
        drinks after that.  Sound like a good order of events???  Bring
        pictures if you can't bring your car(s)!
        Be sure to tell me if you'll be there by Monday, Sept 24th.

        You can mail to me two ways.  Make that three.  One is here
        in Livermore.  The second is via ssi in Wisconsin (where 
        Dr. BobWrench works), and the third is through Bob himself,
        if the other ways fail.  (He's ssi!rmb)  See my signature for 

        indi (Cathy Young)         |"ssiwest!young"
        Supercomputer Systems, Inc | or: uunet!ssi!young
        Livermore, CA              | (415)373-8044

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