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Seized Brakes

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Seized Brakes
From: mit-eddie!! (jean hertzberg)
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 90 13:10:23 PDT
     Three years ago, I replaced the brake master cylinder in my 68
MGB with a "remanufactured" unit that proudly proclaimed itself to
be sleeved in brass. Fine. Two years later, on the eve of my wedding,
the front brakes locked solidly, only to release upon cooling. My future
husband brought his entire batchelor party to my rescue, and we partied 
in the street beside the hobbled MG. 
     Disassembly (yes, the next day) revealed that the steel pistons
had chewed the brass sleeve into a fine dust, contaminating the entire
system and blocking the fluid return ports. I was very happy to find
a truly new unit at a good price at East 14th Street, SL. Have they
really moved, or (heaven forfend) closed?
     Anyways, my husband forgave me for crashing his party, and the B
is once again a trusty daily driver.

P.S. Thanks to all for the Tiger hints. The search goes on. 

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