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RE: Looking for Tiger..

To: mit-eddie!!hpfcmi!british-cars@EDDIE.MIT.EDU,
Subject: RE: Looking for Tiger..
From: linus!att!speedy!gerry@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 90 07:50:11 -0400
Raymond E. Flanery Jr. writes:::::

>  not like the carburator on my MGB (circa '75) I thought that this was a
>  good excuse to replace exhaust and carburator (like a Weber). Does anyone
>  know of any used Webers laying around in good condition? I would really
>  like to not drop 350 on a carburator if I don't have too.

I have seen Weber conversions for the MGB for as low as $250, which 
includes, manifold, carb, linkage and assorted bits and pieces. If
I were you, I would opt for a brand new Weber, instead of buy a used one
and trying to go from there.

With a new carb, you have good startiong point and the store where you
buy it from would already have jetted it for you. If you start with an old
carb, you don't know what to look for if you have problems.

Also you will almost certainly have to rejet the carb to suit your engine and
this is NOT cheap. Each idle jet cost about $6 and each main jet about $5.
A DGV carb has two of each so already you are talking of $22 just for
the jets - and you'll probably have to buy several jets until you
find the correct combination.

Belive me, running a Weber with the wrong jets is no fun, plus you
run the risk of ruining your engine with either too rich or too lean 
a mixure both in the idle circuit and the main circuit.

Buy the new Weber, you'll be glad you did.


On another subject, $3500 sounds about right for a good Midget. I asked
around for a quote for my Midget (rebuilt suspension, rebuilt engine,
Weber and tube shock conversion, new top, new interior - NO rust !!) and
I was quoted $3500. ( I had valued it at $2000 - until I saw others
advertized much higher).


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