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Thoroughbred & Classic Cars revisited

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM (SOL mail list)
Subject: Thoroughbred & Classic Cars revisited
From: T.J. Higgins <mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!a106d!tj@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 90 8:04:41 CDT
There are 2 bookstores which are convenient to me that carry T&CC, one
near work and one near home.  Neither of these stores has yet to 
receive the August issue!!  One is still displaying the July issue, 
and the other has sold out of July.  Both stores have been expecting 
the August issue "any day now" for weeks.  I guess it'll be September 
before I get to see those Triumph articles....
T.J. Higgins                    uunet!ingr!higgins (UUCP)
Intergraph Corp.  M/S IW17A5   (Internet)
One Madison Industrial Park
Huntsville, AL  35894-0001      "Well-weathered leather, hot metal
(205) 730-7922                   and oil, the scent of country air"

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