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Re:Blessing in Disguise

To: "" <>
Subject: Re:Blessing in Disguise
From: Mitch Huffington <>
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 1999 17:14:33 -0600 wrote:

  1: What potential problems can I encounter while removing the T50 torx

  bolt for the seat belt?  Kim's article "magic carpet ride" mentioned a

  problem, but I'm not quite clear on what it is.  Is the nut just a
  in the birdcage with threads tapped, a nut welded to the birdcage, or
  nut that's going to fall down into an inaccessable area when I remove

  Riley Marquis III
  VIN 1758

    I do not own a Bricklin yet but I can give you a little advice about
your seat belt problem.  I'm not sure exactly what It
looks like under a B, but if there is a nut of some sort it should be
easy.  I have parted out many vehicles and the best thing to
do is to add a little heat to the nut underneath the car.  The idea is
to heat the nut so it expands just a little so that the threads
are not locked together so tight.  Just use a propane torch to heat the
outside of the nut.  Do not heat the center of it, cause you
will be heating the bolt as well.  This will cause it to expand into the
nut, you will never get the bolt out this way.  Another note of caution
have a friend watch the inside of the car for you, sometimes the metal
will get so hot the carpet will catch on fire.  Another tip is to buy a
quality torx set, I buy Craftsman because it is easy to go to your local
Sears to buy them and to get them replaced.

Hope this helps you in some way.

Mitch Huffington

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