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Re: Sealing air lines

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Sealing air lines
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 22:08:35 -0500
The ferrule is the compression ring you slide over the outside of the
tubing. the one for brass has a slightly larger O.D. than the one for
plastic. Often, people use the brass in error, causing a poor seal. It's
been so long since I last did any plastic plumbing; I forgot about the
flanged brass insert you have to use to keep it from collapsing. Duh!

-----Original Message-----

>I put a brass tube (is that the ferrule?) inside the plastic tubing to keep
>from collapsing when the compression collar tightens. That appears to have
>sealed the leak. I'll let it sit a day or so and see if the system holds
>now. Thanks for the suggestions.
>Scott Isensee

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