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Seasons Greetings

To: (BMCU)
Subject: Seasons Greetings
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 09:49:44 +0000
I would like to take a quick moment to say how much this past year has meant to 
me. To say the least it has been a blur! My trip to the Desert came and went so 
fast. So many BMCU events that were such a blast. I want to say thank you to 
all of you that helped out and kept things going. Especially to those of you 
who by one way or another volunteered to organize an event, you folks are 
awesome! Mega Thanks to the BMCU Board and Officers, they really made this year 
happen. Our calendar project has been an enormous success! And thanks to all of 
you who have sent donations in with your renewal forms, it is really making a 
big difference! The new BMCU Key Fobs are on their way and should be here by 
the Pot Luck dinner in Feb. or maybe the Jan. car collection event. Please plan 
to attend the Pot Luck dinner in Feburary and bring all of your great ideas. 
Don't forget that more folks get volunteered for events when they are not at 
the dinner than folks who are there to defend themselves!

Here's to another great year of motoring about with good friends and chums in 
our great little Britmobiles,

Mitch D. Johnson 
Governor General

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