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Re: Mazda trucks in OSP (Creasy's failing memory)

Subject: Re: Mazda trucks in OSP (Creasy's failing memory)
From: "Richard Urschel" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 22:34:32 GMT
-- james creasy <> wrote:
>wow was it that long ago?

>i looked at the AAS results for 2005 there doesnt appear to be any 
competition in OSP out there.  many events had zero entries and no fast 
cars had entered in any of the events i looked at.  plus i say i can 
beat your "except all lotus" car on the track AND in the amount of fluid 
i can disgorge while doing it. 
In less apparent time than it has been so far it will become ten years ago. 
Trust me.
There aren't that many cars that can't run in some class other than OSP anymore.
I've abandoned OSP because the only bias-ply R tires available are two 
generations old. Jesus will probably let you run your kit car in prepared next 
year although the SEB seems to have made them illegal for 2006. I'll concede 
the disgorging fluid competiton without turning a key. If you think you can 
beat the green elan with a 60% increase in horsepower and a 70 mph second gear, 
bring it on.

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