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Re: Gray market

To: Patrick Jones <>, ba-autox@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Gray market
From: Charlie Davis <>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 21:32:13 -0800 (PST)
--- Patrick Jones wrote:

> (Not entirely autocross material, but good car-talk
> anyway)
> Charlie - You bring up an interesting subject that
> dovetails into the previous thread about fantasy
> cars
> brought over the old country.
> What constitutes "gray market"?
> Now, my Elise was sold in the USA, by Lotus USA,
> with
> full knowledge and approval of the US federal
> government, including Customs.  It was sold as an
> "off
> road" vehicle only and I had to sign a waiver to
> that
> affect.
> Is this a gray market vehicle?
> I always assumed that gray market referred to a
> vehicle that was brought into the US by something
> other than official channels.  The fact that these
> cars may or may not be eligible for registration in
> any particular state was of little consequence -
> except to the owner of course.

Well, traditionally your definition of gray market is
correct.  But realize that a manufacturer bringing a
car to the US and selling it for off road use is
pretty unprecedented.  We don't really have a category
for that.  Any such car (Lola comes to mind. 
Imported, but not for road use) would go only in the
Modified classes within SCCA Solo 2, and that's where
your car currently has to run.  

The PAC's efforts to get such a car classed in
Prepared Category is unprecedented as far as I know,
as well.  


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