great, mentally challenging course. i woke up this morning realizing one
place i had interpreted all wrong!!
however "no gravel"???? by the 8th run group i could not launch at all at
the start.. tires covered with gravel, 1/10 throttle and they would spin.
then front tires covered with gravel... noooo traction in the front until
the 3rd turn. saturday means FAR less traffic too.
tito solis in the cobra. who taught him that hand position? must be some
toyota thing :)
ps you can see some other pics here (taken by my friend)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jake Hodges" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2003 8:56 AM
Subject: What a great course! And still another day off!
> I'd like to thank our chairs and all the dedicated folks that made it out
> there early enough to get that fantastic course put together. I don't
> about you guys, but I had FUN! All the sections of the course flowed
> together really nicely, there were no panicky Chicago box things, no
> gravel, but most of all there were a ton of places to hang yourself by
> burning time driving some crazy wide line without hitting cones. I wish I
> could have stayed for fun runs...
> Why don't we have more Saturday events? It's really a treat to spend the
> whole day autocrossing, and then still have a whole day left over before
> heading back to the salt mines. My student at the autocross school never
> got to attend our events because taking his family to church took
> Jake