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Re: great school

To: "John J. Stimson-III" <>,
Subject: Re: great school
From: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 11:32:06 -0400
-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------

Message text written by "John J. Stimson-III"

" ----____----    |
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That's exaggerated in terms of depth of course, but the outer edge of
the 2nd tread strip is worn deeper than the inner edge of the 1st
(outboard) tread strip.  The outboard edge of the 1st tread strip is
of course the most worn part of the tire, but that isn't shown in my
-------------------- End Original Message --------------------

That looks like the classic "cupping" that happens to many tires. In the
good old days it was called the "Ascot Curve." It shows that the tire is

--John Kelly

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