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Re: Rules regarding stock stuff...

To: Jason Liao <>
Subject: Re: Rules regarding stock stuff...
From: Kenneth Allan Mitchell <>
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2001 08:12:28 -0700

There is a 4) option for C4 drivers. Raise the seat a bit and tilt it
back. I have lots of helmet room in my C4 with the solid panel. I use
the solid panel on my C4 because I don't care to see the rain drops.

Jason Liao wrote:
> A lot of C4 Vette owners have the same problem as you (helmet hits the
> roof panel).  Some of the common solutions are to 1) install a 4-pt roll
> bar and run w/o the roof, 2) install a harness bar and run w/o the roof,
> or 3) use a factory glass panel which has more headroom.
> The people who have roll bars or harness bars swear by them saying it
> stiffens the chassis considerably...and I think solid harness bars are
> legal in Stock this year.  But I could be wrong.
> Jason
> On Tue, 4 Sep 2001, Jake Hodges wrote:
> > I could learn to drive with my seat reclined, but when I've done that at
> > previous events, it's cost me between 1.5 or more seconds over my upright
> > time with roof off because I can't feel what the car is doing to the same
> > degree.

Kenneth Allan Mitchell

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