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Re: Rules regarding stock stuff...

To: "Jake Hodges" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Rules regarding stock stuff...
From: "Scot Zediker" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 18:36:41 -0700
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jake Hodges" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2001 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: Rules regarding stock stuff...

> In any case, I'm going to go with James' strategy regardless of weather or
> not I make the modification.  I'm not not a very good driver, so it most
> likely won't matter at all. :)

Yes, you COULD do this, but it only works if you never improve as a driver
;)  And if you autocross enough, you will improve.  If you've made these
modifications using James' rationale of "I'm so slow nobody will notice,"
and then suddenly (or maybe not so suddenly) begin beating competitors, you
could be the target of a protest.  Usually this isn't a problem at
regional/local events, but I'd rather not give anybody any ammo.

My suggestion is to just run your del Sol with the roof panel out and live
with the chassis flex.  No offense intended, but if you're just starting out
you're being held back more by your lack of experience than your car's
increased flexibility.

'91 CS (soon to be ES) Miata

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