Would someone please be so kind to save me and my
Capri a spot? We will be driving into Topeka sometime
Saturday PM. Pleeeeeease?
Thanks a bunch!
Also, when is everyone DRIVING out?? I plan on leaving
Friday the 7th by noon. It would be great to caravan
if possible. I will be going straight through though.
Please let me know.
Thanks again.
-Arie (this is my favorite time of the year!) Villasol
#81 DSP Komush Capri
--- Smokerbros@aol.com wrote:
> Just so the Bay Area folks have a heads-up on this
> year's Paddock rules, you
> should go to the National SCCA Site, and read the
> Paddock rules as soon as
> they are posted. But here's the gist, as I
> understand it. There will be no
> "landgrabbing" this year. Each person will get a
> numbered space, and will be
> allowed to hold 5 spots for friends.
> I'd suggest the SFR competitors who are going to be
> there early should have
> their list of 5 (with class and number), and see
> what they can do to get
> blocks of 5 together. Then those who come in later
> can go to information and
> find their spots, instead of milling about,
> looking...
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