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Re: Sound levels

Subject: Re: Sound levels
From: Patrick Jones <>
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 17:34:26 -0800 (PST)
Kevin - I totally feel for you and you have taught me much.  The best
compliment anyone made to me was you, saying that I really knew how to
handle the brakes on the Viper - a big car with no ABS.  One of the
funniest pictures in my mind is when I was brand new and this goofy guy
was walking around and starting cars - with his helmet on!

I sincerely hope to see you at many events.


--- Kevin Stevens <> wrote:
> >We were supposed to have our new sound meter at 3 Com Park this past
> >Sunday as a help in persuading our louder cars to quiet down. The
> >Steering Committee authorized its purchase. I hope it shows up on
> >March 11.
> The new meter was there, as was the old meter, being handed off by
> Pete 
> Mottaz.  I am the new Sound Chief, as you know quite well, and was 
> "supposed" to investigate new equipment.  I took it on my own
> initiative to 
> make the purchase.
> I was doing readings on Sunday because:
> a)  I didn't know if the old meter would be available to do
>     comparative measurements.  The new one does have a calibration
>     adjustment, but no calibration procedure or equipment comes
>     with it.
> b)  The wind and rain did not make for good sound measurement
>     conditions, and I was concerned about getting either/both of
>     the meters soaked.  (I was already soaked after working the
>     third run group, so that wasn't a problem.)
> c)  Don McKenna wasn't able to be at that event, and I was hoping
>     to discuss some of the measurement issues with him.
> That's the story on sound last Sunday.
> Here's the story on sound for next Sunday.  I'll show up, and hand
> the old 
> and new equipment to Charlie Davis if he's there, or put it in the  
> motorhome if not, and leave.  My personal suggestion to you, John, is
> to 
> take the new meter from the motorhome and shove it up your ass.
> Charlie, and other SC members who are reading this, my apologies. 
> However, 
> I'm done with hiding the damage that John is causing our region
> behind the 
> scenes.  Personally, this is the third position his slander and
> implicit 
> criticism has caused me to relinquish.
> I left the Steering Committee after listening to John rant for a year
> over 
> the PA system about my coercive manipulations to institute a
> two-second cone 
> penalty.  (A lie.)
> I resigned the event chair coordinator position after John twice
> threatened 
> to cancel events because he didn't feel confident that I would supply
> event 
> chairs.
> I'm resigning the sound chief position now, because I haven't even
> gotten 
> turnover on the position and John Kelly is ALREADY sniping about my 
> performance.
> Yes, I'm thin-skinned on this issue; but I didn't start out that way.
>  And 
> I'm aware of quite a number of others who have left the SFR program,
> or 
> simply decline to take on responsibilities, because of the
> aggravation of 
> dealing with John.
> John, fine, enjoy your position.  Enjoy taking the shots at everyone.
>  Enjoy 
> your conspiracy theories and passive-aggressive slander - after all,
> you own 
> the printing press.  But I wish you a very long life, John, because
> when 
> you're gone you're leaving this region in a shambles with the people
> you 
> drive away and the enemies you make.
> I'm out.
> KeS
> >What is at risk is our ability to continue our favorite game at
> >"in-town" sites. Some people may call that a "threat." I think it
> is.  It's 
> >a threat all of us will have to drive well out into the
> >Central Valley to play autocross if we can't get the louder cars to
> quiet 
> >down.
> >
> >--John Kelly, SFR autocross scheduler
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