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Re: Sound levels

Subject: Re: Sound levels
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2001 14:35:48 -0800
>We were supposed to have our new sound meter at 3 Com Park this past
>Sunday as a help in persuading our louder cars to quiet down. The
>Steering Committee authorized its purchase. I hope it shows up on
>March 11.

The new meter was there, as was the old meter, being handed off by Pete 
Mottaz.  I am the new Sound Chief, as you know quite well, and was 
"supposed" to investigate new equipment.  I took it on my own initiative to 
make the purchase.

I was doing readings on Sunday because:

a)  I didn't know if the old meter would be available to do
    comparative measurements.  The new one does have a calibration
    adjustment, but no calibration procedure or equipment comes
    with it.

b)  The wind and rain did not make for good sound measurement
    conditions, and I was concerned about getting either/both of
    the meters soaked.  (I was already soaked after working the
    third run group, so that wasn't a problem.)

c)  Don McKenna wasn't able to be at that event, and I was hoping
    to discuss some of the measurement issues with him.

That's the story on sound last Sunday.

Here's the story on sound for next Sunday.  I'll show up, and hand the old 
and new equipment to Charlie Davis if he's there, or put it in the  
motorhome if not, and leave.  My personal suggestion to you, John, is to 
take the new meter from the motorhome and shove it up your ass.

Charlie, and other SC members who are reading this, my apologies.  However, 
I'm done with hiding the damage that John is causing our region behind the 
scenes.  Personally, this is the third position his slander and implicit 
criticism has caused me to relinquish.

I left the Steering Committee after listening to John rant for a year over 
the PA system about my coercive manipulations to institute a two-second cone 
penalty.  (A lie.)

I resigned the event chair coordinator position after John twice threatened 
to cancel events because he didn't feel confident that I would supply event 

I'm resigning the sound chief position now, because I haven't even gotten 
turnover on the position and John Kelly is ALREADY sniping about my 

Yes, I'm thin-skinned on this issue; but I didn't start out that way.  And 
I'm aware of quite a number of others who have left the SFR program, or 
simply decline to take on responsibilities, because of the aggravation of 
dealing with John.

John, fine, enjoy your position.  Enjoy taking the shots at everyone.  Enjoy 
your conspiracy theories and passive-aggressive slander - after all, you own 
the printing press.  But I wish you a very long life, John, because when 
you're gone you're leaving this region in a shambles with the people you 
drive away and the enemies you make.

I'm out.


>What is at risk is our ability to continue our favorite game at
>"in-town" sites. Some people may call that a "threat." I think it is.  It's 
>a threat all of us will have to drive well out into the
>Central Valley to play autocross if we can't get the louder cars to quiet 
>--John Kelly, SFR autocross scheduler


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