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RE: Bad Luck and then Good Luck

Subject: RE: Bad Luck and then Good Luck
From: Scot Zediker <>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 21:12:01 -0700 (PDT)
--- Katie K wrote:
> PS I'm glad I was born on a Tuesday, otherwise
> NEITHER of my parents would have been there for my
> birth!"
> Should start a support group "Friend and Family of
> people who Autox Anonymous." But they will never
> understand, hehehe~Nanda

Katie, if you hadn't been, you probably woulda been
born in the Lotus!  Otherwise, I can't imagine how you
would have been born without your mother present.

Nanda, I happen to have a g/f who understands our
particular brand of insanity.  I'm definitely keeping
her.  Now if I can just get my folks to understand.

Scot - whose parents were not happy that he was in SD
and didn't even call them (they live in El Centro)

Scot Zediker
San Jose, CA

"If at first you don't succeed, don't try skydiving."

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