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Re: 2005 Helmet Rules

To: "Mark Sirota" <>, "Charlie Davis" <>,
Subject: Re: 2005 Helmet Rules
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2005 01:27:44 -0600
Is that the wording in the 2005 book, Mark? (which I don't have yet)

The 2004 wording *is* specific:

"4.3.1 Helmets ... All helmets meeting the current or two immediately 
preceding Snell Foundation standards (SA or M) are acceptable. For 2003 
[quoting the 2004 book, probably fixed in FasTrack] this includes Snell 
2000, Snell 1995 and Snell 1990."

In other words, SA and M but not K are specified. Also, 2000, 1995 and 1990 
are specified. And notwithstanding the "2003" error, those specifics would 
presumably have to be updated for the 2006 book (or deleted to just leave 
the "current or two immediately preceding " language without specificity). 
And BTW, that specificity solves the October-December problem too. Since the 
new book is effective 1/1, then technically the new standard would not be 
legal until then but I doubt anyone would think of rejecting a new Snell 
2005 helmet if someone showed up with one. Then again that ratty old 1990 
would still be good to 12/31/2005.

As for K helmets, there is no mention of them. 4.3.1 only says "See appendix 
G for Kart helmet rules" -- that is, helmet rules relating strictly to kart 
drivers, not approval of K helmets. And upon looking in Appendix G, section 
IV.B.1, we find strangely that ONLY M-rated helmets are legal! SA helmets 
are not deemed legal for karts. Surely this was an error and one would hope 
a later bulletin fixed it, but that is what it says.

I believe 2005 is the first time Snell has put SA and K in the same document 
defining the standard -- that's what's new and that's what newly puts the K 
on par with SA.

Tell me that's all been changed in the 2005 book to what you said below and 
that is great (although I think the specificity is still a good thing for 
those who have no clue what the "current standard" is).


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Sirota" <>
To: "Rocky Entriken" <>; "Charlie Davis" <>; 
"'autox mailing list'" <autox@Autox.Team.Net>
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: 2005 Helmet Rules

> --On Wednesday, January 5, 2005 5:30 PM -0600 Rocky Entriken 
> <> wrote:
>> A formal decision would have to have been made by now for it to be in
>> 2005 rulebooks!
> It doesn't need to be in the rulebooks.  The rules are not specific
> with regard to particular standards, they just say "current and two
> previous".  The 2005 standards won't be current until October 2005,
> so until then, 1990 helmets are clearly legal.  Between October and
> December it's more ambiguous, but tech bulletins can cover that.
> As for K, they are already legal, and indeed are preferred over M.
> Mark

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