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Re: [evolution-disc.] Update Question

To: "Mark Andy" <>,
Subject: Re: [evolution-disc.] Update Question
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 20:58:21 -0600
Wouldn't "doing enough work that it is indistinguishable from..." have to
include changing the VIN plate to make it truly indistinguishable?

But then, isn't changing the VIN plate illegal? Fraudulent?

Seems like Catch 22, affirming the rule Alan quoted.

Just an observation from a P guy who doesn't have to worry about such
things. :-)


> I'm talking about taking the 2002 car and doing enough work that it is
> indistinuguishable from a 2004 car.  I.e. tub matches, every bend in the
> body matches, suspension bushings match, etc. etc. etc.
> While I'm sure that doesn't make it a 2004 car to the DMV, I thought that
> it would make it a 2004 car in terms of autox.  Seems like the only way it
> wouldn't would be if a matching year VIN sticker is required.
> Might be.

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