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Re: Subject: Re: shop manuals

To: "Rocky Entriken" <>, "Eric Salem"
Subject: Re: Subject: Re: shop manuals
From: "Chuck" <>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 11:41:09 -0500
Yes it would be massive at first, but do-able, especially if a list of the
most critical specs needed were compiled as minimum starting point to be
built on. A source reference should be included with every spec submitted
i.e. FSM pg 16; dealer brochure; Chilton manual copyright xx/xx/xx pg 104;
etc. as well as the submitter's name. The beauty is that if a couple people
have the FSM or other credible references for a vehicle that is not
available due to age, $$$ or ??? even if it's for one they no longer race or
is their fun car (most of us are packrats...) they can help by submitting
those specs, they don't need to come from a competitor running that car.
That opens up a wealth of info resources from the entire AX community. I
think it would build quickly for all but the most obscure cars because under
the current rules most of us already have a good portion of the info in our
possession. I'd be willing to add a couple bucks to my entry fees to cover
SCCA contracting a webmaster (there's a lot of cash strapped tech people in
our community who'd love to make a few extra $ to support their "habit") to
oversee such an undertaking, still be a LOT cheaper than buying a bunch of
documentation, I wouldn't risk DQ for forgetting to put my FSM back in the
trailer after using it, and would give me an easy reference to check if I
suspect something is amiss on a competitor's car that is not the same make
as mine.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
To: "Charles" <>; "Eric Salem" <>;
"'Mark Andy'" <>; "'autox mailing list'"
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 6:39 AM
Subject: Re: Subject: Re: shop manuals

> It still sounds massive -- but I could see some dedicated individual
> ramrodding such a project.
> I'd think things would still have to be verifiable from some source,
> somehow, before they would become part of this bible. How do we know you
> aren't lying like a rug about your '33 Widget Speedster's specs, knowing
> that finding someone to impeach you is well nigh impossible (the only
> 10 '33 Widgets left in the world are not raced, and half of them are in
> private collection of an Arab sheik)?
> OTOH, If I were to supply the specs of my '64 Spitfire and fudged
> to my advantage, it would probably be found out fairly easily, which would
> be true of most cars we see. It's the rarer ones that would be most
> (which has been true in the past history of protests -- a certain Morgan
> the '70s comes easily to mind, and FWIW I've heard [perhaps more legend
> truth] the spec on a Morgan is whatever Peter Morgan thought it should be
> when he was building THIS one. LOL.).
> --Rocky

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