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Re: street solos

Subject: Re: street solos
From: Dick Rasmussen <>
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 15:33:29 -0500
At 02:56 PM 2/15/2004 -0500, wrote:
>San Francisco Region ran The Vallejo Grand Prix from '84 to about '88, I
>think.  It was invitational, and I think we had atleast one car into a 
>curb each
>year.  Toward the end we had one where Pati Park nailed a mailbox, Bill 
>hit a tree, Brian Hobaugh got a no parking sign, and there may have been a
>couple of others...  The event was just too scary to continue...

Definitely scary. I remember being on the rev limiter in second gear in my 
Lotus Europa on day one and thinking overnight that I should shift on 
Sunday. Walked the course Sunday morning and decided that 55 or so was 
PLENTY fast with curbs, light poles, buildings, and wandering drunks close 
by on each side of that course segment!!!

Dick Rasmussen
CM 85
85 Van Diemen FF 

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