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Re: Valentine One?

To: Bob Monday <>
Subject: Re: Valentine One?
From: Mike Shields <>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 22:02:01 -0700
All I know (not having owned too many other detectors) is that I felt 
the V1 was almost too good.

Here's a little story (all true!). I once got a single (but not 
insignificant) alarm while driving west of Salt Lake City on I80. 
Figured it was instant-on ahead, slowed down to the speed limit and 
waited to see the cop...and waited, and waited and waited. About 3-4 
miles later I figured it was a false (sunspots or something 8) and 
started to speed up. Right about then it went bonkers! Turns out the 
first signal I got was from the cop sitting on the side of the road 
about 5 miles away. He ended up bagging the guy that passed me in that 
4 mile slowdown from the first bleep.

I loved it since I could count the signals, and knew the direction they 
were coming from. It seemed to catch signals quite early and correctly.

Then some bastard stole it.


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