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RE: minor rant

Subject: RE: minor rant
From: "Madurski, Ronald M." <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 16:00:26 -0400
: Rotsa ruck on that ticket. Cops and judges seem to have no 
: comprehension of
: a competition driver's thought processes or skill levels, so 
: they consider
: our techniques dangerous. (But ossifer, I wasn't tailgating, I was
: drafting!). Just say the guy in front slowed down on you. 
: DON'T say the cop
: was tailgating you. Then after they find you guilty-as-hell, 
: pay the fine
: and move on. If you are really convincing, they won't find 
: the as-hell part,
: suspend the fine and leave you with just court costs (usually 
: double the
: fine).
: - --Rocky

Don't I wish.  I got a ticket on my bike just before leaving for Nationals.
The total was $120.  The fine was $5.

Ron (I try to keep it under 100 now so I can slow down faster) Madurski
FM 124

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