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RE: Fuel Injected Prepared Lawn Mowers (was: SP cars to compete

To: "Jeff Winchell" <Jeff@Winchell.Com>, <>,
Subject: RE: Fuel Injected Prepared Lawn Mowers (was: SP cars to compete
From: "Steve Hoelscher" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 22:31:57 -0500
Jeff Wenchell quotes:
>From the United States Lawn Mower Racing Association Rulebook:

On page 7: "Any apparatus other than carburetor or fuel injector, which
can be used to introduce any gaseous or liquid substance into the
induction flow, whether connected or not, is prohibited"

And in the section on the Prepared classes of Lawn Mowers starting on
page 9, you will note that there is NO WEIGHT PENALTY for using fuel



So I can put fuel injection on my racing lawn mower and incur no weight
penalty, but until just recently I couldn't on my Production road racer or
Prepared autocrosser.   ...sigh...

So lawn mowers are now more technically advanced than SCCA Production and
Prepared racing cars!!!???

Steve Hoelscher
#27 DSP

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