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8" wheels (was Proposal for SP cars to compete in P ???)

To: <>, <>
Subject: 8" wheels (was Proposal for SP cars to compete in P ???)
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 16:28:05 -0500
> Whatever happened to the 8" wheels proposal for DP and EP?  I have lost
> of it.

It's gone away for the moment, and I hope it stays gone away. It was
predicated on the imminent cessation of production of cantilever tires,
which isn't happening.

BTW, IIRC it was not an 8" wheel proposal exactly, it was an 8" tire
proposal on any wheel. IOW, I could run my 8" cantilevers on 6" wheels and
you could run your 8" straighwalls on 8" wheels -- supposedly to the same
effect. Of course, it never is, and everyone would have to go out and buy 8"
wheels. As long as cantilever tire production is not a problem in road
racing (which uses the same wheels and tires, and more of them) it won't be
a problem for us. The proposal jumped the gun to react to something that is
not, in fact, happening.


> Randy
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  • 8" wheels (was Proposal for SP cars to compete in P ???), Rocky Entriken <=