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Re: opinions on parking at Nationals

Subject: Re: opinions on parking at Nationals
From: Eric Linnhoff <>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 21:59:37 -0700
----- Original Message -----
> BTW, someone mentioned still seeing some "corrals" this year. Yes there
> were, but mostly as a result of a group of drivers getting slots adjacent
> each other, and then arranging themselves within the allotted space.

As one of Phil's Deputies I had the honor of participating in the new
paddock process.  From my interactions with fellow competitors, over 99% of
the folks seemed (at least to our faces) happy with the proceedings.  Sure
some things could've been done better, but it's a project in it's infancy
and will mature over the years, unlike that other >1% of the folks that we
dealt with.  ;^)  Next year, stun guns will be standard issue for dealing
with that small percentage of uncooperative folks.

FWIW, the CP crowd were a picture of cooperation.  They managed to squeeze
something like 10 people's worth of assorted CP stuff (that's trucks,
trailers, cars and beer storage units) into fewer parking spots on one
particular row.  They were huddled in so close that you just know there was
some sort of unlawful touching going on in there at some point during the
week.  This sort of "corralling" is something that more folks could stand to
practice.  We also appreciated the folks with just a car (or multiple
drivers in the same car) and perhaps a tire trailer for huddling in tightly
together and further conserving space.

I did see a few repeat offenders through out the week who still insisted
upon parking their flatbed trailers, which were clearly not "part of the
racing effort" in the paddock area instead of in the arranged trailer
parking area, but for the most part the whole process went pretty smoothly,
until Tuesday.

How can we make it better and smoother?  Pre-assigning areas for each region
or "family grouping" like CP?  Pre-assigned spots for each individual
entrant based on a first come, first served basis?  Pre-assigned spots based
on run days?  A small charge for the "premium" spots?  A free-for-all,
land-rush as in years past with large areas going uninhabited most of the
week?  Beating those pesky FP and FM guys into submission?  I don't have all
the answers but perhaps you as a collective do.

Phil and his Henchmen are always want for constructive criticism to improve
the process.  Bribes of fermented barley also go a long way towards keeping
the peace.  ;^)

While everyone else was worrying about filling up their gas tanks with
$4/gallon regular gas on Tuesday afternoon, I was In Search Of that nectar
of the Gods, Guinness.  I still can't believe that all those liquor stores
were out of Guinness though.  Sheesh, what a world.

Eric (Respect my THORITAH!!) Linnhoff in KC
'98 Neon R/T (see-dan)
#69 STS   #13 TLS

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