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Re: The Announcement Last Tuesday

Subject: Re: The Announcement Last Tuesday
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 22:57:42 EDT
Matt Murray writes:

> Should I have waited until Heat #2, when run #1 was about to go? Wait until
> Heat #3? End of day? No matter when it was announced, it would have a
> profound effect on everyone (if they hadn't heard it already from word of
> mouth). There was no good time to make that announcement. I hope to never

My personal viewpoint, from a purely selfish and autocross oriented 
standpoint is this.

Any time you take part of a competing group and subject them to different 
circumstances, it's not fair.  I think there would have been a big difference 
between announcing it when you did and announcing it before the 2nd group, 
when everyone would have heard it before all of their runs.  I don't know how 
much it affected us, since we also had cool tires to deal with, but I think 
it affected most of us to some degree.  And when that 3rd run became our last 
run, any impact became much larger; no chance to shake it off and run better 
on day 2.


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