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Forwarded: need info - buying a car

Subject: Forwarded: need info - buying a car
From: List Administration <>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 11:04:04 -0600 (MDT)
For some reason, this was sent to me rather than
Reply to author, not me.


------- Start of forwarded message -------
     From: "Chuck Mathews" <>
     Subject: need info - buying a car
     Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 08:43:09 -0500

I am ocnsidering purchasing either a newer used car or a new car. I am
looking at the VW Golf GL 2.0L (5spd) and Mazda Protege ES 2.0L(5spd). Are
these both good autocross cars. I imagine that the Golf is, but I haven't
heard anything about the Mazda. Are there any bad years to watch out for?
Are there any other suggestions for cars in this price range (less than
$15k) that autocross well (or semi-well)?

Thanks Guys (and Gals)

Chuck Mathews
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