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Re: Demographics Now

Subject: Re: Demographics Now
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 09:50:45 -0500
"Paul Foster" <> drooled:

> Now Dennis Grant tries his hand at putting words into my mouth:

No Paul, you just change your argument and rewrite history any time
somebody hits one of your delusions with the hammer of fact.

<<<Actually, he doesn't. But it doesn't take long to do. Of the 22 people
competed in SM this year, myself, Kent, Karl, Jocelyn, the Shotz Twins, and
Doug had prior Nationals experience. To the best of my knowlege, that
leaves 15 Nationals newbies. Give me a margin of 4 people for error, and
that still means that HALF of SM at Nationals had never competed at
Nationals before.>>>

> Good grief! Not you too! That is NOT what I said! And this was a special
> case too because you campaigned your ass off to get 20 people to come.
> even had to open Pandora's box by 'allowing' those four door sedan pony
> to compete to get that many.

1) The pony cars have been in SM since day 1. They weren't in the initial
proposal, but there were in the adopted class. They are as much as part of
our demographic as the Civics.

2) Yes, I held 22 people at gunpoint and forced them to come to Topeka. I
kept them all in a shoebox under my bed.

Wake up! 22 people took the time, made the effort, and spent the money to
drive from wherever they were to Topeka, where they competed in their class
of choice. This when there was NO listing of SM on the offical Nationals
documentation until the week before Nationals. SM wasn't even listed as a
separate class on the entry list. And STILL they came. And we were NOT the
smallest class at Nationals either.

Next year we'll have even more.

3) How many Nationals have YOU been to Paul? When was the last one?


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