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Was Re: Demographics, Now ex-racers who then take up

To: <>, <>
Subject: Was Re: Demographics, Now ex-racers who then take up
From: "Paul Foster" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 10:02:12 -0500
> In a message dated 12/9/00 12:20:54 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > Then in his post it
> >  was obvious he really didn't since he only listed current road racers
> >  also autcross which was not what I stated.
> Paul, REREAD WHAT I WROTE! There is one member in my region who is a
former D
> sedan national road racing champion who has become a Solo 2ist. Did you
> conveniently forget that? Did you selectively read?

Actually I thought someone else had written that and you supplied the names
of some of the famous people who have taken up road racing after doing
extremely well at autocrossing. That is exactly what I mean. A
misunderstanding can provoke a flame on this liist. Yours was not as bad as
the other but it affected me more because of your position within the SCCA.

> And it matters not whether I know the people personally. What matters is
> these people exist and it is more than 3 or 4, or to use your words
> "virtually nobody." The fact is, your statement was plain wrong, and you
> it to be so.

No I don't. That is why we are having this disagreement. As I stated in my
lengthy email my opinion is based on people I have met. It is not the most
scientific but experience is what a lot of opinion is based upon. I don't
think I am alone in this.

I think this condition is due to two main reasons:

1) Most racers and ex-racers think that 3 minutes of track time a day is a
waste of time when SCCA racers are used to having at least 30 minutes a day
and PCA club racers get over an hour of track time a day.

2) Of the few racers and ex-racers who actually try autocrossing, they don't
acclimate very well to the differences in the two sports and get frustrated
when they get their asses whipped, and don't come back.

Now this is strictly based on my talks with racers and what I have observed.
If you disagree go ahead and write a public email telling us about it. But
keep any other comments (and particularly flames) private if you don't mind.

Thank you,

Paul Foster

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