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RE: Letter to SEB / ESP

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Letter to SEB / ESP
From: "Linnhoff, Eric" <>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 11:45:36 -0600
I dunno, sounds an awful lot like not getting your way and taking your ball
home so that nobody else can play with it in the sand box.  In other words,
rather childish.

Me, I'll go no matter what class my car falls into becuase it's just way too
fun NOT to go to Topeka.  Too bad some folks would rather sit at home and
sulk than come have fun with 1000+ like minded fun loving folks.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
1998 Dodge Neon R/T
#69 STS    #13 TLS

"If someone offers you a breath mint, accept it."
H. Jackson Brown, Jr. - Life's Little Treasure Book, on wisdom

-----Original Message-----
>Just curious, where will "they" go?  Back to Stock or up to Prepared?

Not to nationals. 

When you've spent a lot of time and money on a car, you aren't thrilled 
with the prospect of the amount of money you wasted and having to 
waste more to switch your car to some other class..

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