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Re: Pa System ?'s

To: Autox <>
Subject: Re: Pa System ?'s
From: Brian Berryhill <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 20:56:03 -0500
Yep, I definitely agree with Peavey on that one.  Steve Volpp of Peavey
brought the Peavey system to Greenwood this past weekend... and needless to
say, there were no complaints of not being able to hear.

When someone's handheld radio didn't work, they just talked over the PA to
tell them to get new batteries or something.

I wish I would have had my Peavey 5150 baseball cap this weekend since my
nose looks like rudolph.

The FM transmitter thing sounds like an interesting idea too... call out the
times so you can listen to it over your car's radio...


Brian Berryhill

> Without question, Peavey. The New England Region purchased a system
> this year, and it "rocks". Do get three speakers (we have the smaller
> AND, Peavey sponsors and supports our sport. Need I/We say more.
> Matt Murray
> > I am looking for opinions on a new PA system for our club.
> >
> > We rented a peavey system for our divisional and it worked great, but
> > speakers were too big to deal with for every event.  The speakers like
> they
> > use at Nationals are a little smaller and might work.

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