And then maybe someone else could contribute "Blame Canada"!
------Original Message------
Sent: October 2, 2000 12:21:55 PM GMT
Subject: Canadian National Anthem
I probably should have put a smiley or two in there somewhere... what the
heck, now that Katie found the complete lyrics, I'll complete the parody.
Maybe Dennis can contribute the Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen lyrics...
>Sing it with me, folks...
>"O Canada!
>How proud your beavers wave!
>True patriotic moose, and permafrost with tea.
With Molson, Labatts, Anne Murray, boots,
Plaid flannel shirts and toques!
>From left to right,
O Canada, we drink Seagrams for thee.
MPs keep our Beer Stores open and stocked!
O Canada, we drink Seagrams for thee!
O Canada, we drink Seagrams for thee!