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# of classes and particitpation

Subject: # of classes and particitpation
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 15:48:51 EDT
>Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2000 10:35:55 -0500
>From: "The Christianson's" <>

>If you do away with all of those that are 20 or less we will
>only have like one prepared class and one 2 mod classes.  IMO a real
>backwards step for the sport.  <snip>


> And we could then put FM and F125 together but the f125s all have to carry
>a live pig around in their laps for extra weight. (about 265lb) 

uhhhhh... can I tie it up first, or does it have to be loose and wiggly?
Besides, really, it won't fit in between me and the wheel.  A safety issue,
I think...  ;-)

Alan Sheidler

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