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Re: Empty Room

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Empty Room
From: "Tom Holt" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 21:34:25 -0500
From: Kelly, Katie <
> So, if you're one of the people who bails early, explain yourself, now!
> Katie

    Allright! I confess... I left a little early! The official excuse...
kids. The banquet had dragged on a quite long and the kids had convinced my
wife that I was ready to go. Knowing when I'm beat... We left.
    The unofficial excuse... I think the lady measuring for jackets was
about to come wring my neck for squirting some silly string at the exit to
the stage... (we even cleaned it up!)
    As someone else said, the banquets (Friday especially) could have been
streamlined a good bit. It did seem to move very slowly.


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