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Re: Autocross results software

To: "Mo Soar" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Autocross results software
From: "Rick Brown" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 11:49:39 -0700
We have used the AutoX T/S here in CalClub a few times and I (and several
others) think it is great.  Unfortunately in the powers that be, there are
currently more "anti-technology" than pro, so it is not currently used for
local events.  It will take a learning curve to implement, just like
anything new.  I actually think it is easier to use than a stand alone
timer. 99% of the time you are only entering a car # & class.  What you have
to do for DNF's and false starts/finishes is the same skill it takes on a
timer. It really is designed for pre-entry type events where you already
have everybody entered in the database.  We've had as many as 60 or more new
people at an event and you have to try to enter them between run groups. The
system does allow on-the-fly entry of a car # only and then you can go back
and fill in the rest of the data later.  It also really works best with a
permanent number system, not one where people get new numbers at each event.
Then you can enter everybody that has run last year or has acquired a
permanent this year and the system only includes people in the results if
they take a run. You can also have a separate laptop at registration taking
in new people, then between groups you can take a floppy and merge the new
people into the current database.  Plus Robb Gregg is very helpful and will
customise the software for you.  Of course if you just use it for after the
event results, it is perfect. Lets you add local classes, make indexed
classes, etc. Check it out at  where
you can download a demo version.

Rick Brown
FP 240Z

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