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Shock access - am I stupid?

To: "" <>
Subject: Shock access - am I stupid?
From: Jeff Cashmore <>
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 09:25:49 -0500
"What is the majority opinion:  is the drilling as a fundamental act the
problem or the "weight removal" of holes and the like.

My RX-7 has two trim pieces that snap off to allow full access to the
top of the
rear shocks.  I submit that you could 'engineer' the same thing on any



Ok, I'll vote.  Don't allow it.  When we start to 'engineer' anything on
stock cars they aren't stock anymore.  You'd be opening up a big can
o'worms/slippery slope/etc.  I agree with Mark Sirota.  Some cars get
camber, wide rims, more power, easy shock access, etc. and some don't.
We class the cars based on the complete package.  You know the cars
strengths & weaknesses before you choose it.  Leveling the playing field
stuff just increases the cost to be competitive.

Jeff Cashmore

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