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Re: Shock access - am I stupid?

Subject: Re: Shock access - am I stupid?
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 16:16:04 PDT
>Strictly speaking, modifying your car to facilitate shock
>adjustability is not allowed in the rules. Practically speaking,
>I don't care. I suspect you'll find that most competitors don't
>care about things like this. But it only takes one who _does_
>care to file a protest. If I were on a PC considering an item
>such as this, I'd conclude two things: 1. It's not allowed by the
>rules, and 2. It's immaterial, ergo no penalty is required. But
>that's just one person's viewpoint.

Ok, now take the scenario where my competitor and I have identical shocks 
which cannot be adjusted at the event unless an access port is cut.  He does 
it, I don't.  We both have major oversteer after first runs, running 
equivalent times.  He adjusts his rear shocks.  I can't.
On second and third runs his times are .2 faster than mine.  I protest.

Do you still see that as illegal but immaterial?  It's by no means a 
far-fetched scenario...


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